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Ah Boys To Men 2 新兵正传II (Singapore Movie DVD)
Starring: 陈伟恩 Joshua Tan, 王伟良 Wang Weiliang, 叶荣耀 Noah Yap, 林俊良 Maxi Lim, 张智杨 Tosh Zhang
Directed By: 梁智強 Jack Neo
Audio Tracks: Dolby Digital 5.1 Mandarin
Subtitles: English, Chinese
Rated: PG13
Studio: MM2 Entertainment
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 16 October 2021
Production Year: 2013
Running Time: Approx. 113 mins
No. of Disc: 1 DVD
Blu-ray version can be found here
Synopsis 剧情简介
經歷挫折的 Ken,在回到兵營後,決定發奮圖強。但他積極的表現,立刻惹來同伴的不滿和排斥,認為他走上 Wayang King 的道路,只想拍馬屁和表現自己。Ken 雖然想解釋,無奈眾人對他的誤會日漸加深,漸漸遠離他。與此同時,Ip Man 的女友同他鬧分手,情緒激動的他找來了羅邦等人,展開了複仇計劃,並成功整了那個女友和她的新男友。不料這新男友卻為了報仇,立刻招兵買馬,前來複仇。眾人在新兵聚集的地方打鬧起來,一向勇於積極表現的 Wayang King 卻立刻逃之夭夭,而 Ken 卻勇敢的留下來…..
After his recovery & realization of his mistakes, Ken returns to Tekong Island to continue his Basic Military Training (BMT). Determined to change, Ken prepares to prove himself. However, this change in attitude from Ken, immediately draws the dislike and mockery from some his section mates led by Lobang. They feel that he is following after Wayang King’s footsteps, just trying to flatter the commanders so that he can stand out. Ken tries to explain but to no avail. Instead, their misunderstandings deepen as the training continues. At the same time, Ip Man’s girlfriend broke up with him because of another guy….