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Ah Boys To Men 新兵正传 (Singapore Movie Blu-ray)
Starring: 陈伟恩 Joshua Tan, 王伟良 Wang Weiliang, 叶荣耀 Noah Yap, 林俊良 Maxi Lim, 张智杨 Tosh Zhang, 刘谦益 Richard Low, 洪爱玲 Irene Ang
Directed By: 梁智強 Jack Neo
Audio Tracks: DTS-HD MA 5.1 Mandarin
Subtitles: English, Chinese
Rated: PG13
Studio: MM2 Entertainment
Media Format: Blu-ray
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 16 October 2021
Production Year: 2012
Running Time: Approx. 110 mins
No. of Disc: 1 Blu-ray
DVD version can be found here
Synopsis 剧情简介
Ken 是含著金湯匙出世的小孩,父親是商人, 母親是家庭主婦,自幼受母親和祖母的溺愛。 由於 Ken“A水準”成績不允許他考入本地大學,他便計劃與女友 Amy 到國外留學。 殊不知,他與女友要出國留學的計劃卻被他必須服新加坡國民服役而腰斬。 對 Ken 而言,服兵役是一件既過時又浪費青春的事情。 Ken的母親和祖母出於愛子心切,便想盡辦法,甚至還聯係國會議員 (MP) 只希望能夠延後 Ken 入伍的時間…..
Ken, who is born into a rich family with a businessman father and a homemaker mother, has been spoilt by his mother and grandmother since young. After finishing his A Levels with subpar grades that are below the cutoff grades of the local universities, he hopes to study abroad with his girlfriend, Amy. However his plans are disrupted by his National Service, which to him, is something that is passe and a waste of his youth. Knowing how much Ken hates the National Service, his mother and grandmother try all sorts of methods, including finding the Member of Parliament (MP) for help…..