特技人 The Stunt (TVB Drama DVD)
“Summit” was a reputable vehicular stunt team in the film industry, but an accident that happened two years ago made team leader CHAI TAI-CHI (Shaun Tam) disband the team. To pass on her late father’s legacy, SHEUNG MEI-CHU (Rebecca Zhu) works as a stunt double at film studios while actively seeking to bring the team back together, which eventually succeeds through her efforts. Aspiring director YIU CHI-HANG (Kelvin Kwan) approaches the “Summit” team for making a movie about the life of stunt performers but is rejected by TAI-CHI. MEI-ZHU has had a crush on TAI-CHI for years; whereas CHI-HANG also grows fond of MEI-ZHU. Plus, an eye candy actress call JUN JUN (Kelly Fu) further complicates the relationship among the four more than ever. After exposing a lie that has been hidden for years, MEI-CHU cannot continue her stunt performer career anymore. How is TAI-CHI going to deal with it?
SGD$51.90SGD$74.90特技人 The Stunt (TVB Drama DVD)
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Are You Human Too? 你也是人类吗? (Korean Drama DVD9)
Starring: Seo Kang Joon (徐康俊) | Kang So Bong (孔升研) | Lee Jun Hyuk (李浚赫) | Park Hwan Hee (朴焕熙)
Language: Korean | Mandarin
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Release Date: 07/05/2019
Disc format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Number of episodes: 1-18 (Complete Set)
Number of dics: 4 DVDsSGD$51.90SGD$74.90Are You Human Too? 你也是人类吗? (Korean Drama DVD9)
SGD$51.90SGD$74.90 -
Life After Death 那些我愛過的人 (TVB Drama DVD9)
Starring: 林文龍 Frankie Lam, 黃翠如 Priscilla Wong, 馬貫東 Mark Ma) 連詩雅 Shiga Lin, 陳自瑶 Yoyo Chen, 黃嘉樂 Stephen Wong, 李任燊 Kyle Li, 顧定軒 Zeno Koo, 蘇皓兒 Chloe So, 程可為 Ching Hor Wai, 楊卓娜 Griselda Yeung, 翟威廉 William Chak
Directed by: 關樹明、關文深
Total Episodes: 1-25 (Complete Set)
Audio Tracks: Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG13
Studio: TVBI
Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 04 August 2020
Production Year: 2018
Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 5 DVDsSGD$51.90SGD$74.90Life After Death 那些我愛過的人 (TVB Drama DVD9)
SGD$51.90SGD$74.90 -
W – Two Worlds Apart W – 兩個世界 (Korean Drama DVD9)
Starring: 李鍾碩 Lee Jong-suk、韓孝周 Han Hyo-joo
Directed by: Jung Dae-yoon
Total Episodes: 1-16 (Complete Set)
Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG13
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2017
Production Year: 2016
Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 4 DVDsSGD$52.40SGD$74.90W – Two Worlds Apart W – 兩個世界 (Korean Drama DVD9)
SGD$52.40SGD$74.90 -
A Chinese Immortal Story 剑侠 (Chinese Drama DVD)
SGD$53.80SGD$69.90A Chinese Immortal Story 剑侠 (Chinese Drama DVD)
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Love and Hatred of Snow 深宅雪 (Chinese Drama DVD)
该剧讲述了清末民初韩、方两家印染世家因为两张印染秘方而引起的一系列爱恨情仇、尔虞我诈的故事 。
SGD$53.80SGD$69.90Love and Hatred of Snow 深宅雪 (Chinese Drama DVD)
SGD$53.80SGD$69.90 -
Hu Xian 狐仙 (Chinese Drama DVD)
SGD$53.80SGD$69.90Hu Xian 狐仙 (Chinese Drama DVD)
SGD$53.80SGD$69.90 -
The Advisors Alliance 大军师司马懿之军师联盟 (Chinese Drama DVD)
该剧从曹魏的全新视角切入,抒写了魏国大军师司马懿跌宕起伏的传奇一生,展现了波澜壮阔的后三国时代 。
SGD$53.80SGD$69.90The Advisors Alliance 大军师司马懿之军师联盟 (Chinese Drama DVD)
SGD$53.80SGD$69.90 -
The Romance of the Condor Heroes 神雕侠侣(2014) (Chinese Drama DVD)
Starring: 陈晓 (Chen Xiao), 陈妍希 (Michelle Chen), 郑国霖 (Zheng Guolin), 杨明娜 (Yang Ming Na), 张馨予 (Zhang Xinyu), 毛晓彤 (Mao Xiaotong ), 陈翔 (Chen Xiang), 赵樱子 (Yingzi Zhao), 孙耀琦 (Sun Yoki)
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese
Rated: NC16
Release Date: 2014
Disc format: NTSC
Number of episodes: 52 (完整版)SGD$53.80SGD$69.90The Romance of the Condor Heroes 神雕侠侣(2014) (Chinese Drama DVD)
SGD$53.80SGD$69.90 -
The Investiture of the Gods II 封神英雄 (2015) (Chinese Drama DVD)
Starring: 陈键锋 (Sammul Chan), 李依晓 (Li Yi Xiao), 何彦霓 (Vicki He), 张明明 (Ming Ming Zhang), 郑亦桐 (Yitong Zheng), 吴卓翰 (Andrew Wu), 张迪 (Zhang Di), 张倬闻 (Zhang Zhuo Wen)
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese
Rated: PG13
Release Date: 2015
Disc format: NTSC
Number of episodes: 1-72 (Complete Set)SGD$53.80SGD$69.90The Investiture of the Gods II 封神英雄 (2015) (Chinese Drama DVD)
SGD$53.80SGD$69.90 -
A Great Way To Care 仁心解碼 (TVB Drama DVD9)
Starring: 方中信 Alex Fong, 徐子珊 Kate Tsui, 黃浩然 Raymond Wong, 岳華 Ngok Wah, 蔣志光 Ram Chiang, 張國強 Cheung Kwok Keung, 洪天明 Timmy Hung, 楊秀惠 Vivien Yeo Siew Hui
Directed by: 羅永賢
Total Episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set)
Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG
Studio: TVB
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2009
Production Year: 2008
Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 4 DVDsSGD$53.90SGD$79.90A Great Way To Care 仁心解碼 (TVB Drama DVD9)
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A Great Way To Care II 仁心解碼II (TVB Drama DVD9)
KO LAP-YAN (Alex Fong) pulls himself together following his wife’s death, and changes his job, becoming a Consultant of Forensic Psychiatry Department. As soon as he assumes his office, he cooperates with another Consultant, Dr. CHEUK WAI-KIU (YoYo Mung), conducting clinical evaluations and treatments on a mentally ill patient. During the examination, a felony involving an evil cult is unveiled, so LAP-YAN joins forces with LAM CHUNG-YAN (Tavia Yeung), an Inspector of Regional Crime Unit, to probe into the matter. Gradually, a subtle bond between Department of Forensic Psychiatry and the Regional Crime Unit becomes established. Each time she encounters a convoluted case, CHUNG-YAN goes to seek aid from LAP-YAN, whereas WAI-KIU seeks advice from LAP-YAN whenever she has relationship problems. Furthermore, with the spiritual support from his good colleagues as well as good friends, LIN CHI-SUM (Ram Chiang) and LEUNG KAI-WING (Edwin Siu), LAP-YAN actively turns over a new leaf. Out of the blue, while a horrific serial murder case stirs up some turbulence, LAP-YAN discovers that there is an utmost connection between the case and CHUNG-YAN.
高立仁 (方中信) 丧妻后重拾斗志,转职成为法医精神科的顾问医生,甫入职便与另一顾问医生卓慧翘 (蒙嘉慧) 合作,为一名精神病患者提供临床评估及治疗,过程中揭发一宗涉及邪教的严重罪行,因而与重案组探员林颂恩 (杨怡) 联手调查,法医精神科渐与重案组建立微妙的合作关系,颂恩每遇棘手案件会找立仁帮忙,而慧翘每遇感情烦恼亦会找立仁解困,加上两位好同事兼好友连志森 (蒋志光) 和梁启荣 (萧正楠) 的精神支柱,令立仁积极重建新生活,谁料一宗恐怖连环凶杀案牵起波澜,立仁竟发现案件与颂恩有莫大关联……
SGD$53.90SGD$79.90A Great Way To Care II 仁心解碼II (TVB Drama DVD9)