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0.0MHz 0.0嚇茲招魂 (DVD)
That night, what did you see?
The 0.0Mhz is a supernatural club that reveals bizarre psychological phenomena such as ghostly sightings and other-worldly experiences. One day, five members of the club go to an abandoned house which is infamous for paranormal activities. They summon the spirit using brain waves and try to hear the “statement” in person. That night, the true nature of the spirit reveals…
Starring : Jeong Eun-ji, Lee Seong-yeol
我們都欲想窺看那未知的世界, 但它們早已經在某處窺看著我們.
沒有不能被證實的靈異現象! 【0.0赫茲招魂】是個專門研究超自然現象的神秘社團,五個成員前往一處知名偏遠廢棄凶宅進行探險,測試當腦電波與0.0赫茲同步時,是否真能召喚鬼魂現身並接受來自靈界的訊息,殊不知卻引發一連串無法停止的靈異現象,不斷襲擊他們…
主演 : 鄭恩地,李成列
That night, what did you see?
The 0.0Mhz is a supernatural club that reveals bizarre psychological phenomena such as ghostly sightings and other-worldly experiences. One day, five members of the club go to an abandoned house which is infamous for paranormal activities. They summon the spirit using brain waves and try to hear the “statement” in person. That night, the true nature of the spirit reveals…
Starring : Jeong Eun-ji, Lee Seong-yeol
我們都欲想窺看那未知的世界, 但它們早已經在某處窺看著我們.
沒有不能被證實的靈異現象! 【0.0赫茲招魂】是個專門研究超自然現象的神秘社團,五個成員前往一處知名偏遠廢棄凶宅進行探險,測試當腦電波與0.0赫茲同步時,是否真能召喚鬼魂現身並接受來自靈界的訊息,殊不知卻引發一連串無法停止的靈異現象,不斷襲擊他們…
主演 : 鄭恩地,李成列
0.0MHz Trailer
Product Information
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 Korean
Subtitles: English and Chinese
Rated: NC16
Release Date: 28 November 2019
Running Time: Approx. 102 Mins
Number of Discs: 1 DVD