2 × SGD$48.90
2 × SGD$55.90
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1 × SGD$55.90
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1 × SGD$22.90
1 × SGD$45.00
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1 × SGD$39.90
1 × SGD$19.90
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1 × SGD$45.00
1 × SGD$39.90
1 × SGD$39.90
2 × SGD$24.90
1 × SGD$19.90
1 × SGD$49.90
1 × SGD$39.90
1 × SGD$24.90
1 × SGD$76.90
Boys Over Flowers 花樣男子 (Korean Drama DVD9)
SGD$48.90SGD$69.90 (-30%)
Starring: 李敏鎬 Lee Min-ho、具惠善 Koo Hye-sun 、金賢重 Kim Hyun-joong、金范 Kim Bum、金俊 Kim Jun、金昭誾 Kim So-eun
Directed by: Jeon Ki-sang
Total Episodes: 1-25 (Complete Set)
Audio Tracks: Korean, Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG
Studio: KBS
Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2021
Production Year: 2009
Running Time: Approx. 60 mins per episode
No. of Disc: 6 DVDs
Synopsis 剧情简介
Geum Jan-di (Koo Hye-sun) is from a poor family and is admitted to the prestigious Shinhwa High School after stopping a student who was being bullied from committing suicide. Shinhwa High was established by Shinhwa Group, the biggest conglomerate in Korea, and is attended by the scions of the wealthiest families. At Shinhwa, she finds that a group of rich and good-looking boys called “F4” (“Flower 4”) who enjoys tremendous popularity. The F4, however, thinks nothing of humiliating others, and often issues a “red card”. Whoever finds the dreaded red card in his or her locker subsequently becomes the target of bullying by the entire student body. Jan-di detests all this circus, but receives a red card herself and is bullied, after she stands up for one of her fellow classmates. Eventually, she begins to have feelings for one of the F4, Ji-hoo (Kim Hyun-jung), but also discovers that the leader of the group, Jun-pyo (Lee Min-ho) is falling for her too……
出身於平民家庭的金杉蒂(具惠善飾), 在父母的艱苦努力下終於入讀了名門望族的高中英德學院︒由於和周遭同學的家境及價值觀相差懸殊, 杉蒂一直無法融入其中︒原本很有正義感的她在進入英德後, 只求能夠平安度過這三年高中生活, 因此刻意壓抑自己︒控制英德的是四個超多金美少年, 分別是具俊杓(李敏鎬飾)︑尹智厚( 金賢重飾)︑蘇以霆(金范飾)以及宋佑彬(金俊飾), 人稱F4的貴公子團體︒學校以F4為中心, 只要有人敢開罪F4, 就會遭到貼紅帖, 金杉蒂起初受到F4的針對, 後來愛上了救她的尹智厚, 轉接間又與具俊杓相戀︒富家少爺和平民相戀, 困難重重, 有賴F4的鼎力相助, 而尹智厚也愛上金杉蒂, 可惜金杉蒂仍然愛具俊杓, 即使後期具俊杓的未婚妻夏在景(李珉廷飾)出現, 金杉蒂亦和具俊杓保持著一段親密的關係︒另一方面, 蘇以霆和金杉蒂的好朋友秋佳乙(金昭誾飾)產生了一段微妙的感情……