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Witch Vol 1 (DVD)
Voices of: Kelly Stables, Candi Milo, Kali Troy, Christel Khalil, Liza del Mundo
Directed By: Marc Gordon
Audio Tracks: English 2.0, Japanese 2.0, Mandarin 2.0, Korean 2.0, Spanish 2.0, Portuguese 2.0
Subtitles: English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese
Rated: PG
Studio: Scorpio East
Media Format: NTSC
Region Code: All Countries
Release Date: 2010
Production Year: 2006
Running Time: Approx. 64:43 mins
No. of Disc: 1 DVD
Synopsis 剧情简介
Meet W.i.t.c.h., five ordinary girls with extraordinary superpowers, and discover the magic and power of friendship. With the forces of earth, wind, fire and air at their command, they become the Guardians Of The Veil, who protect the universe from evil but still must learn to deal with boys and homework!
Trailer 预告片
Bonus Feature
- “W.i.t.c.h. Trivia Adventure” Game