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Care Bears: Adventures in Care-a-lot | Whose Friends is Who? (DVD)
Audio Tracks: English
Subtitles: English, Malay
Rated: G
Region Code: 3
Release Date: 2011
Running Time: Approx. 44 mins
No. of Disc: 1 DVD
Synopsis 剧情简介
Surprise Day
Harmony Bear doesn’t like surprises, so she’s making sure that she stays in her house on Surprise Day. Share Bear shows her that conquering your fears is the best surprise of all!
Tempus Fugits
Bumpity and Tweazle want to play and try to “speed up” time to make the Care Bears work faster, but the bears quickly show the two mischievous clouds that there ia a time for work and a time for play!
Whose Friend is Who?
When the girls decide to teach their new friend McKenna about working together, some of the other bears feel left out. Will new and old friends come together and learn that it’s more fun to include others than to leave them out?
Present and Accounted For
A missing birthday basket has caused a misunderstanding between Love-a-lot Bear and Share Bear! With the present gone, both of them assume the worst about each other. In the end the real present is regaining their friendship.