Second Chance 逆转胜
Main cast:
Jason Wang Shih-hsien 王識賢
Eugene Wen 溫尚翊 a.k.a. Monster 怪獸 (Mayday)
Huang Pei Jia 黃姵嘉
Jasper Liu Yi Hao 劉以豪
Audio Tracks: Mandarin
Subtitle: Chinese & English
Rated: PG13
Release Date: 30/10/15
Running Time: Approx. 106 min
Second Chance 逆转胜 Synopsis
The movie talks about Ren-Siang who is a beautiful 16-year-old girl but has a calm look which does not match her age. Six months ago, her parents passed away in a terrible car accident and left her nothing besides this pool club called “Champion Pool Club”. Siang is now under the pressure to be sent to a foster home if no one is going to be her legal guardian. Shuan-Feng who is Siang’s uncle used to be the world champion of billiards, but he escaped ten years ago due to fatal pool gambling. Shuan-Feng is forced to return and becomes Siang’s guardian. However, even though the two people are blood related, they have not seen each other for a long time.
How can these two people find the way to reconnect with each other and how can they see the love that runs in their veins through the game of billiards?
小香(黃姵嘉 飾)是明星高中品學兼優的好學生,也是學校的儀隊隊長,青春無敵、堅強不服輸。但在父母相繼過世後,可觀的債務讓家裡經營的撞球館面臨倒閉命運。不但引來社會局上門關切,強制介入安排寄養家庭,更有黑道討債集團威脅逼迫還款。
腹背受敵、走投無路的小香只好與好友黑輪(劉以豪 飾)商量,費盡千辛萬苦,找到十年前的一代撞球球王,卻因欠債跑路,至此人間蒸發的叔叔雙丰(溫尚翊 飾)回來擔任監護人。豈料雙丰早已不是過去的球王叔叔,邋塌潦倒的生活習慣與一蹶不振的頹廢態度,讓小香失望透頂,因此大小衝突不斷。但為了解決家中欠債,兩人必須攜手合作,步步重拾小時候的親暱,雙丰也發現眼前亭亭玉立的小香正是不可多得的撞球奇才。
面對霸道殘忍、不擇手段的當今球王,同時也是家中債主許哲勇(王識賢 飾)的苦苦相逼,叔姪倆沒有其他選擇,只能握緊球杆並肩站上九號球殘酷的生死競技場…
Second Chance 逆转胜 Trailer
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