2 × SGD$48.90
2 × SGD$55.90
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1 × SGD$76.90
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1 × SGD$22.90
1 × SGD$39.90
1 × SGD$19.90
1 × SGD$39.90
1 × SGD$55.90
1 × SGD$39.90
Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace 如懿传 (Chinese Drama DVD)
SGD$76.90SGD$99.90 (-23%)
Starring: 周迅 (Zhou Xun), 霍建华 (Wallace Huo), 张钧甯 (Janine Chang), 董洁 (Dong Jie), 童瑶 (Yao Tong), 辛芷蕾 (Xin Zhilei), 李纯 (Chun Li), 何泓姗 (He Hongshan), 邬君梅 (Vivian Wu), 胡可 (Hu Ke), 经超 (Jing Chao), 陈昊宇 (Chen Haoyu), 曾一萱 (Zeng Yi Xuan), 袁文康 (Yuan Wenkang)
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: PG13
Release Date: 2018
Disc format: NTSC
Number of episodes: 87 (完整版)
Number of discs: 12 DVDs
Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace 如懿传 Synopsis
公元1725年干隆 (霍建华饰) 即位,与他少年相知的侧福普如懿 (周迅饰) 也依礼进宫为妃。从此,二人在宫廷里演绎了一段从恩爱相知到迷失破灭的婚姻历程。新帝登基,如懿因与干隆青竹马的情分成为娴妃,由此受到众人排挤,而太后 (邬君梅饰) 又与如懿家族有世仇,如懿危机四伏。此时,干隆也同样面对太后掌权和老臣把持朝政的难题。权力更替过程中,干隆与如懿互相扶持,共同渡过难关,直到二人扫清障碍。干隆经过多年努力也如愿将如懿推到皇后位置,与她共有天下。然而做了皇后的如懿却发现,干隆已从少年夫君成长为成熟帝王,他的多疑善变以及帝王自私不断湿露,两人间的情意信任渐渐破灭。但如懿依旧坚守美好回忆,恪守皇后职责,直到去世。
In 1735, Qianlong (Wallace Huo) ascends to the throne, and his childhood sweetheart Ruyi (Zhou Xun) soon enters the palace as his consort. Ruyi’s favored status and the Empress Dowager’s grudge against her family turns her into a target in the royal harem. Meanwhile, the young Emperor also faces a fierce power struggle with the Empress Dowager and senior court officials. Overcoming these obstacles together, Qianlong gradually solidifies his power and Ruyi rises to the position of Empress. However, as the years pass and Qianlong matures into a powerful, wary and self-centered monarch, Ruyi realizes that he is no longer the young man she once knew and loved.
With the Ula Nara clan in disgrace after Empress Yixiu fell out of favor, Ruyi (Zhou Xun) learned the politics of the harem and steadily climbed up the ranks to become Empress. Even after surviving through multiple conspiracies and successfully proving her innocence, her relationship with Qianlong (Wallace Huo) had become irreparable. Ruyi eventually became disillusioned with her husband and the barsh reality of life in the Palace. Although the love and trust between them gradually disappeared, Ruyi served as a distinguished empress until her death.
Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace 如懿传 Trailer