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Legend of Fuyao 扶摇 (Chinese Drama DVD)
该剧讲述了出生底层的平凡少女扶摇,为解除身上封印而踏上五洲历险征途,在此过程中与长孙无极相知相爱、并肩而立;两人坚守 “虽千万人吾往矣” 的信念,历经磨难披荆斩棘,最终成功对抗不公命运的故事。
Legend of Fuyao 扶摇 Trailer
Product Information
Starring: 杨幂 (Yang Mi), 阮经天 (Ethan Juan), 刘奕君 (Liu Yijun), 王劲松 (Wang Jinsong), 高伟光 (Gao Weiguang), 赖艺 (Yi Lai), 张雅钦 (Zhang Yaqin)
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Rated: NC16
Release Date: 2018
Disc format: NTSC
Number of episodes: 66 (完整版)
Number of discs: 10 DVD
Legend of Fuyao 扶摇 Synopsis
五洲大陆以无极皇城统领太渊,天煞、璇玑、与宗学圣地穹苍隔扶风海相望。扶摇 (杨幂饰) 幼时投太渊玄元剑派门下,因资质愚钝饱受师门鄙弃。于十六岁上得 “破九霄” 神功,从此武功精讲。由于扶摇生来并非凡胎俗子,身上带有五重封印。扶摇所练的破九宵开启这五重封印。为寻找可助扶摇解除封印的凝结灵气的地方,扶摇踏上了五洲历险之路,在这过程中,与天权国太子长孙无极 (阮经天饰) 相爱,二人合力平息太渊摄政王篡政,无极国南戎犯境,德王宫变,与天煞烈王战北野 (高伟光饰) 联手夺回王权,揭示扶摇璇玑王女身世。众人陪伴扶摇前往穹苍,以血肉之躯抗衡上古邪物帝非天,历经难险考验,终破穹苍阴谋,斩杀各路邪毒,守擭五洲安泰。扶摇与无极的爱情也终成善果。
Taiyuan, Tianshao and Xuanji are ruled by Wuzhou mainland with the infinite imperial city, facing each other across the sea of Fufeng from the vault of the sacred land of Buddhism. In ancient times, the heavens gave birth to lotus. When he was young, he threw the Yuan Yuan Xuan Yuan sword under the door, and was despised because of his ignorance. At the age of sixteen, he had to “break the nine winds”. In order to collect the secret decrees of the Five Continents and wait for the day before the Fufeng Sea breaks through the sea, they set foot on the road of adventure of the Five Continents and fell in love with Wuji, the eldest son of the Prince of the Wuji Imperial City, Female life. The people accompanied and swayed to the sky with flesh and blood against the ancient monster emperor Fei Tian, after arduous trials, eventually broke the sky conspiracy, cut off all evil poisons, guard the Five Continents Antai. The love of the rolling and the infinite will finally become a good fruit.