• 是咁的,法官閣下 OMG! Your Honour (TVB Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)


    FAN SIU-YEE (Ben Wong) and YOUNG LIK-WANG (Eddie Kwan) are well-known barristers for criminal cases. Even though they have known each other for 30 years, they became enemies since the first day in law school. During their court case after graduation. SIU-YEE meets the TV anchor Mok HEI-LOI (Grace Wong) after losing his love. They get married swiftly but they separate after a few months. HEI-LOI meets LIK-WANG by chance and they got along really well. The love triangle has further worsened the relationship between SIU-YEE and LIK-WANG. On the contrary, their pupils have become friends but a lawyer’s life is not as good as what they think. Together with their two masters, the six pupils HA SUM-NING (Louisa Mak), CHIU KAM-SHUI (Oscar Leung), TUNG TAN-KU (Jonathan Wong), TUNG TAN-KIU (Jonathan Wong), TANG TAI-CHI (Jackson Lai), WONG TUNG (Kirby Lam) work hard to uphold law and justice while developing their skills and potentials stumblingly…

  • 跳躍生命線 Life on the Line (TVB Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)


    Ever since his wife CHEUNG WAI-SUM (Ali Lee) was killed by a drunk driver, Principal Ambulanceman MAK CHAY-TIN (Joe Ma) has been living together with his only daughter LOK-YEE, older sister OI-FA (Pinky Cheung) and sister-in-law CHEUNG HO-KEI (Moon Lau). The loss of his wife makes CHAY-TIN hate those rule-breakers and any reckless behaviours. At work, he is stern about everything! His new subordinate CHEUK KA-KIT (Matthew Ho) acts on impulse, and conflict often ensues as a result. Moreover, as a perfectionist, their new superior Probationary Ambulance Officer TAM JA-CHUN (Joey Law) constantly picks on KA-KIT, adding extra pressure to their teammates. Caught in the middle, CHAY-TIN works relentlessly to bridge the differences between them in an effort to promote a spirit of teamwork, cultivating an elite rescue unit to save more lives when facing a variety of challenges……

  • 再創世紀 Another Era (TVB Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)


    In 2008, as the tsunami of financial chaos engulfed the world , ambitious entrepreneur HO TIN-SANG (Kwok Chun On) saw the opportunity seeking to take over the richest man in Hong Kong, FONG CHUNG-YAM’s (Wu Fong) business empire, but was interfered by another business magnate CHEUK KAI-TONG (Pat Poon). Bearing animosity towards him, TIN-SANG has been seeking revenge since then. Ten years later, the now wealthiest Cheuk family is overshadowed by misfortune. The sudden death of KAI-TONG’s son comes as a crushing blow to KAI-TONG, who lapses into a coma after a heart attack. To keep their business going, his inexperience younger daughter CHEUK DING-YIU (Chow Lai Ki, Niki), with the help of private enquiry placement agent, KO CHIT (Frankie Lam), faces off with TIN-SANG. With KAI-TONG regaining consciousness, TIN-SANG’s wife CHEUNG MING-HEI (Tavia Yeung), CHUNG-YAM’s grandson FONG CHAK-YU (Benjamin Yuen) and aspiring young entrepreneur CHING HOI (Chau Pak Ho) also get involved in the ever-escalating power struggle. The enmity among them will soon intensify towards a full-blown rivalry……

  • 特技人 The Stunt (TVB Drama DVD)


    “Summit” was a reputable vehicular stunt team in the film industry, but an accident that happened two years ago made team leader CHAI TAI-CHI (Shaun Tam) disband the team. To pass on her late father’s legacy, SHEUNG MEI-CHU (Rebecca Zhu) works as a stunt double at film studios while actively seeking to bring the team back together, which eventually succeeds through her efforts. Aspiring director YIU CHI-HANG (Kelvin Kwan) approaches the “Summit” team for making a movie about the life of stunt performers but is rejected by TAI-CHI. MEI-ZHU has had a crush on TAI-CHI for years; whereas CHI-HANG also grows fond of MEI-ZHU. Plus, an eye candy actress call JUN JUN (Kelly Fu) further complicates the relationship among the four more than ever. After exposing a lie that has been hidden for years, MEI-CHU cannot continue her stunt performer career anymore. How is TAI-CHI going to deal with it?

  • BB來了 Who Wants A Baby (DVD)

    意外懷孕令唐恬兒(李佳芯)和葉致廷(黎諾懿)夫妻二人大失預算, 本可寄望雙方母親大人的幫忙, 可惜兩老育嬰方式南轅北轍, 衝突頻生, 令夫妻落入24小時無間湊女地獄, 為勢所迫終請來陪月達人王佳妙(楊卓娜)救亡。 因為BB來了,令恬兒狠心告別時尚愛美的事業, 致廷要遠離夜夜笙歌的品味人生, 恬兒更為事業轉型及爭取時間照顧女兒, 毅然接手經營陪月中介公司, 經佳妙穿針引線接觸不少雇主和陪月, 令恬兒對母親這新身分別有一番體會, 但與致廷卻漸行漸遠, 更懷疑他與酒吧同時許晴(高海寧)有染; 誰料到致廷因一次意外中勇救小孩而成了網紅的「絕世好爸」, 另陪月公司竄升育嬰界KOL, 带来翻天地覆的⋯⋯

    An unexpected pregnancy catches couple TONG TIM-YEE (Ali Lee) and IP CHI-TING (Lai Lok Yi) off guard, so they hire an experienced confinement nanny, WONG KAI-MIU (Griselda Yeung), to help them. The arrival of her newborn forces TIM-YEE to change her career and take over a post-natal care agency. In her role as a new mom, she is struck with a newfound appreciation, but feels like she and her husband are growing apart. She even suspects that he has an affair with his coworker bartender HUI CHING (Samantha Ko). Surprisingly, CHI-TING captivates the internet after bravely saving a child in an accident, and is dubbed the “greatest dad” ever, turning thing upside down……

  • 天命 Succession War (TVB Drama DVD)

    和坤(陳展鵬)才智過人, 深得乾隆帝寵信, 權傾朝野, 營私植黨, 人稱「二皇帝」。
    皇十五子永琰(譚俊彥)看似平庸, 與世無爭, 遂得和坤相中, 扶植為皇位繼承人。 嘉慶四年,乾隆駕崩,嘉慶帝先後說服和坤兒子豐紳殷德(何廣沛)以及心腹福長安(陳山聰)倒戈相向,意圖以雷霆手段將和坤及其黨羽一舉殲滅。 然而老謀深算的和坤早有對策, 不但化解嘉慶連番攻擊; 更反客為主, 揭出皇貴妃(李施嬅)一段不可告人的秘密, 令家慶腹背受敵!
    和坤二夫人長媚(姚子羚)和紅顏知己豆蔻(唐詩詠)亦在宮中與江湖上分頭行事, 令一向支持家慶的親弟永璘(張穎康)與之反目成仇, 而白蓮教也在江湖上與風作浪, 令家慶陷入絕境。 豈料天命難違⋯⋯
    HESHEN (Ruco Chan), brilliant and favoured by EMPEROR QIANLONG, has influence over the throne. He forges extensive factional alliances for shared venality and is dubbed the “Second Emperor”. PRINCE YONGYAN (Shaun Tam), the 15th son of the Emperor, appears mediocre with no ambition, so is selected by HESHEN as first line to the throne. After the death of QIANLONG in the 4th year of EMPEROR JIAQING’s reign, JIAQING manages to convince HESHEN’s son FENGSHEN-YINDE (Matthew Ho) and confidant FUCHANG’AN (Joel Chan) to turn their coat, seeking to sweepingly eliminate HESHEN and his cronies. But, wily HESHEN comes prepared. Facing JIAQING’s attacks, he not only manages to solve this crisis, but also turns the tables, exposing the unspeakable secret of ROYAL NOBLE CONSORT (Selena Lee). Suddenly, JIAQING is caught in the crossfire!
    HESHEN’s second wife CHANG MEI (Elain Yiu) and female confidant DOUKOU (Natalie Tong) act separately inside and outside the imperial court, turning JIAQING’s longtime supporter/own brother PRINCE YONGLIN (Jonathan Cheung) into his enemy. With the White Lotus Sect wreaking havoc nationwide, JIAQING is plugged into despair. However, he is a man with a mandate from heaven……

  • 宮心計2深宮計 Deep in the Realm of Conscience (TVB Drama DVD)


    During the reign of Emperor Shang of Tang, LI LONGJI (Steven Ma) and his aunt PRINCESS TAIPING (Alice Chan) launch a coup that kills ambitions power-seeking EMPRESS WEI (Michelle Yim), restoring PRINCE OF XIANG, LI DAN (Li Hung Kay) to his throne! Beneath the palace’s tranquil facade lurks an undercurrent of tension…… At the imperial court, the rivalry between LI LONGJI and PRINCESS TAIPING intensifies, like oil and water! Within the palace, the infighting between the head of Imperial Household Bureau, WANG ZHEN (Nancy Wu), and the consorts is running rampant! Some people act against their conscience for power, while others give up everything else for the sake of their loved ones! The genuine characters demonstrated by Longwu Guard REN SANSHU (Kenneth Ma), revenge seeker HE LI (Edwin Siu), Scribes YUAN YUE (Annie Liu) and GAN RUOQIAN (Jacqueline Wong) embellish the palace with a touch of romance…… Deep in the palace, layers of mystery surrounding horrifying secrets are exposed! Beyond the walls, soul-stirring love and hate stories are staged……

  • Daddy Cool 逆緣 (TVB Drama DVD)

    This drama Daddy Cool is about multi-generational relationships. There are family warmth and the topic of values. The theme is similar to “Iceman Cometh”. The genre is fantasy. People of different generations have different morals, ethics, and values. A person from the 1940s, who was frozen and is not thawed out until 2018, has to adapt to the modern living environment, creating a lot of jokes and having a lighthearted side.


  • 飛虎之潛行極戰 Flying Tiger (TVB Drama DVD)


    During a promotion ceremony for police officers, Senior Superintendent KO YAT-TAI (Hugo Ng) is taken hostage. Seeing his father in danger, OCTB Senior Inspector KO KA-CHUN (Ron Ng) is unable to do anything. In a split second, YAT-TAI’s elder son KO KA-LONG (Bosco Wong), a member of the Flying Tigers, demonstrates his excellent marksmanship to save him, which unexpectedly acts as trigger to bring what was buried in the KO family back to light. A recent spate of murders of undercover cops, a surge of new drugs, and terrorist groups are portent of a menacing future…… Confronting complications, Superintendent LIP YU-HONG (Michael Miu) fights relentlessly to bust a criminal mastermind. Meanwhile, caught in their own relationship dilemma, two brothers, KA-LONG and KA-CHUN, end up going their separate ways , turning into rivals……

  • 三個女人一個因 Threesome (TVB Drama DVD)


    Born into a family of legal professionals, FONG YEE-YAN (Mandy Wong) is the mentee of the prominent lawyer AU YEUNG YAT-PO (Joseph Lee), achieving outstanding results in study. However, she changes sides upon completing the mentorship and becomes a barrister, constantly going head-to-head with her mentor in court. YEE-YAN has concealed the fact that she has dissociative identity disorder. Her second personality is a wild risk-taker called PINA COLADA (Mandy Wong) who is a pessimistic and sad personality called SADNESS (Mandy Wong). Discovering her secret, LEE TONG-KAI (Benjamin Yuen) takes advantage of this and makes her take him as pupil, leaving her no other choice but to agree so as to avoid interfering with her marrying the wealthy bachelor KEI HIU-YONG (Jason Chan). A novel experience between the two has since developed. Due to a sudden switch of the personality, YEE-YAN often Make a fool of herself in court; whereas the only one who knows the cause of her illness is her mother FONG WAH YEE-SZE (Gigi Wong). Unfortunately, YEE-SZE remains silents on the issue. Gradually, TONG-KAI befriends PINA-COLADA and SADNESS. To settle the matter once and for all, YEE-YAN is determined to make the disappear……

  • 棟仁的時光 Stealing Seconds (TVB Drama DVD)


    Caught between an overly demanding boss and passive-aggressive employees, Planning Company Executive Producer TSANG TUNG-YAN (Benjamin Yuen) is always on the run until one day he has a narrow escape from death. Fortunately, he is saved by a paramedic CHING MAN-KEI (Natalie Tong) who performs CPR on him. After that, TUNG-YAN finds himself capable of stealing the time of the others through kissing to extend his own life. He turns this to his advantage, resulting in a major life change, including his career, family relationship and friendship. Yet, MAN-KEI pays a heavy price for this. Not only did she miss her wedding, but her fiancé CHOW TAK-SUM (Yeung Chiu Hoi) is nowhere to be found. To help MAN-KEI pull herself together, TUNG-YAN takes over TAK-SUM’s coffee shop. In the process, he gets to know Barista LAW SHUI-LAM (Hubert Wu), and even re-encounters his childhood best friend MOK HEI-LIN (Rebecca Zhu). Though Pole dance teacher HEI-LIN has no lack of suitors, she only has eyes for TUNG-YAN. However, the life-extending burden and his love for MAN-KEI impale TUNG-YAN on the horns of a dilemma……

  • 果欄中的江湖大嫂 Apple-colada (TVB Drama DVD)


    Once married into wealth but now debt-ridden, LEE MUNG-LU (Alice Chan) returns to Hong Kong from Malaysia to seek refuge with her niece LEE LOK-YEE (Eliza Sam). They are poles apart, often bricking. By chance, MUNG-LU learns that the fruit market owned by her elder brother was seized by FUNG TAI-KIN (Wong Kwong Leung) and his nephew FUNG BO (Rayong Wong). She seeks to reclaim the property by hook or by crook but ends up in hilarious chaos. LOK-YEE and her schoolmate WONG YAU-CHOI (Mat Yeung) are social workers devoted to helping others in Yau Ma Tei. They encounter legendary CHAN YUK-MAN (Crystal Fung) and get caught up in a controversy surrounding the fruit market and the society. Having gone through many ups and downs, MUNG-LU, LOK-YEE and YUK-MAN eventually bring significant change to the out-of-date fruit market……

  • Watch Out Boss 波士早晨 (TVB Drama DVD)

    It’s said the office feels like a warzone. There are no eternal enemies or friends, only eternal and perpetual interests! Secretary to Marketing Director, LO JOY-LAM (Flora Chan), who is highly regarded by her superior, SUNG LAI-KAN (Lee Chi Hung), is dubbed the “Queen” in the company. She and the Sales Director, HONG SHING-YU (Tony Hung), are often caught in the corporate rat-race. Armed to the teeth everyday for work, SHING-YU’s secretary, YIU LOK-SZE (Ali Lee) often get by on her looks despite her mistakes, to which JOY-LAM couldn’t care less about because she always easily out-wits her. Recently, the company is developing a new brand, and both departments have their eyes on it. Unexpectedly, the senior management hires outsider HUI LAP-KIU (Ben Wong) to be the Marketing Director for the newly developed brand, which greatly startles JOY-LAM. Apart from that, JOY-LAM is also busy assisting the grandson of the owner WING CHUN-HEI (Steven Cheung). With each experiencing significant change in their situation, the relationship of LAP-KIU and JOY-LAM as an ex-couple is gradually exposed, inflaming tensions among the minefield of company politics. What’s more, even the longstanding ties between the traditional duo of boss and secretary take on a new significance every single day……


  • 翻生武林 Birth of a Hero (TVB Drama DVD)

    To avoid all the strife caused by the gangland power struggles, YUK WAN-LUNG (Edwin Siu) and his elder sister YUK KIU-FUNG (Rachel Kan) lead a quiet life, running an inn. Unexpectedly, WNAN-LUNG is determined to take part in the New Hero Contest, seeking to win his ex, NGAI BING-BING (Roxanne Tong), back. After WAN-LUNG exposes a scandal involving the East Wing imperial guards, he is incarcerated by SAU PAK-KWAN (Ben Wong), a commander of the East Wing. KIU-FUNG is so eager to save her younger bother that she initiates a rumour that there is treasure hidden in their inn. Right away, PAK-KWAN releases WAN-LUNG and even sends his right-hand agent SAU TSOI-SUM (Grace Chan) to follow him to the inn to collect intelligence information. Suddenly, those who lurk in the shadows flock to the inn, with each coming up with cunning maneuvers. In the process, TSOI-SUM, who has been looking for her parents’ killer, uncovers the truth, so she revolts against PAK-KWAN. Apart from that, she and WAN-LUNG start having feelings for each other, and they decide to bring some changes to the gangland. Though they gradually breathe new life into the dying gangland, they instead fall into the trap set by the revenge-seeking elder named YAM NGO-FEI (David Chiang), who has been plotting this for so long……

    为免涉足江湖恩怨情仇, 玉云龙(萧正楠)与姐玉娇凤(简慕华)安分守己经营客栈生意,誰料云龙为重夺旧爱艾冰冰(汤洛雯)芳心毅然参加新晋英雄大赛,因而牵涉揭发东厂黑幕,被东厂的仇不群(黄智贤)收入监牢,娇凤救弟心切,暗中放风指客栈有隐世宝物,不群不单立即释放云龙,更派出左右手仇在心(陈凯琳)跟随云龙到客栈收取情报,此时亦引来各路隐世英雄一涌现,各施奇谋,期间令一直寻找杀害双亲的在心发现真相,倒戈相向对付不群之余,更与云龙产生感情,决心一同改革武林,令本已奄奄一息的武林再现生气,但二人却陷入本是慈悲老人任我飞(姜大卫)筹谋已久的报仇大计……

  • My Unfair Lady 不懂撒嬌的女人 (TVB Drama DVD)

    My Unfair Lady is TVB’s first 4K resolution television series. It stars Jessica Hsuan, Natalie Tong, Frankie Lam and Vincent Wong as the main leads, with Lai Lok-Yi, Samantha Ko and Gloria Tang as the main supporting cast. This drama marks the return of Jessica Hsuan and Frankie Lam to TVB.
    《不懂撒娇的女人》TVB首部4K全实景拍摄制作的时装女性、励志、写实、爱情、喜剧电视剧及网络剧,由林文龙、宣萱、王浩信及唐诗咏领衔主演,由高海宁、黎诺懿、张达伦、谭凯琪及袁文杰联合主演,并由张玮纯特别演出。该剧播出后瞬即吸引大批拥趸, 累计串流收视高达1.17千万。该剧为2017年上半年最高收视剧集,累积平均收视率点达28.5点。

  • The Forgotten Valley 平安谷之詭谷傳說 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

    In the early years of the Republic of China, in a remote, backwards-thinking village – Safety Valley – women have always been bullied by men due to a male chauvinist feudal philosophy. A couple that has been influenced by Western thinking return to Safety Valley, hoping to change and build their hometown……

  • My Ages Apart 誇世代 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

    My Ages Apart is a 2017 comedy drama produced by TVB starring Bobby Au-yeung, Moses Chan, Louis Cheung, Kristal Tin, Ali Lee and Maggie Shiu.

  • Heart and Greed 3 溏心風暴3 (TVB Drama DVD)

    Starring: 李司棋、夏雨、米雪、關菊英、 黃宗澤、王浩信、岑麗香、黃翠如、 陳敏之、阮兆祥、李國麟、唐文龍、 蔣志光、陳智燊、胡琳、吳家樂、 莊思敏、李成昌
    Directed by: 劉家豪、徐遇安
    Total Episodes: 1-40 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: NC16
    Studio: TVBI
    Media Format: NTSC 2.0 Stereo
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 14 Feburary 2018
    Production Year: 2017
    Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 8 DVD

  • Nothing Special Force 雜警奇兵 (TVB Drama DVD) (Collector’s Edition)

    Name: Nothing Special Force (2017)
    Other name: Miscellaneous Police | Miscellaneous Cops
    Cast: Wong Ben, Wong Mandy, Kwan C, Wong Jacqueline, Wong Geoffrey
    Genre: Comedy, Crime
    Country: Hong Kong
    Runtime: 20 Episodes
    Release year: 2017


  • The Greatness of A Hero 盛世仁傑 (TVB Drama DVD)

    Starring: 鄭則士 Kent Cheng、陳錦鴻 Sunny Chan、郭羨妮 Sonija Kwok、廖碧兒 Bernice Liu、 黎耀祥 Wayne Lai、陳秀珠 Rebecca Chan、唐寧 Leila Kong、李香琴 Lee Heung-kam
    Directed by: 梁材遠 Leung Choi Yuen
    Total Episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: PG
    Studio: TVBI
    Media Format: NTSC
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 2009
    Production Year: 2008
    Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 4 DVD

  • Heavenly In-Laws 我外母唔係人 (TVB Drama DVD)

    Starring: 薛家燕、梁榮忠、鍾嘉欣、元華、 陳山聰、楊婉儀、劉玉翠、李國麟、 韓馬利、王祖藍
    Directed by: 黄偉聲
    Total Episodes: 1-20 (Complete Set)
    Audio Tracks: Mandarin, Cantonese
    Subtitles: Chinese, English
    Rated: PG
    Studio: TVBI
    Media Format: NTSC
    Region Code: All Countries
    Release Date: 2010
    Production Year: 2007
    Running Time: Approx. 45 mins per episode
    No. of Disc: 4 DVD

  • The Exorcist’s Meter 降魔的 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

    The play is about the yin and yang of the horse season is a taxi driver, but also a demon demon can be a “priest”, and different sub-space of biological contact, listen to their stories, feel their emotions s story. This drama is one of the 2017 radio program tour 14 drama series, by the wireless staff spontaneously provide original story plot, the introduction of infinite expectations.


  • Oh My Grad 老表,毕业喇! (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

    Like its previous installments, the grand scheme of focuses on societal issues. While 2013’s discussed China-HK relations, 2014’s tells the story of an environmentalist, a celebrity, and a wealthy family. Oh My Grad, on the other hand, centers on the theme of learning and education.

  • The Unholy Alliance 同盟 (TVB Drama DVD) Collector’s Edition

    The Unholy Alliance is an action crime-thriller television drama created by Jazz Boon and TVB.

    Boon has described The Unholy Alliance as a Mission: Impossible-style action thriller that features modern martial arts, including MMA, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Krav Maga and gun fu. It stars Nina Paw, Ruco Chan, Nancy Wu, Joel Chan, Elaine Yiu, Kwok Fung, Jimmy Au, KK Cheung, and Elena Kong. The Unholy Alliance follows a modern Hong Kong crime family, led by the matriarch Ling Hung (Paw).
    《同盟》是由《城寨英雄》原班人马打造,陈展鹏、胡定欣、鲍起静、姚子羚、陈山聪等主演。 该剧讲述了运动好手高子杰在垦丁被一群杀手施袭,后独自回港查出真相,并牵引出一连串恩怨情仇的故事。

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